Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bishop- Dale's Camp
Though my finger injury has temporarily put my climbing on hold, I have still been out supporting friends on their various projects. I met Bennett Dahl shortly after injuring my finger and have been lending him moral support and, as he would say, 'technique advice'. Bennett has only been climbing for a little over a year but is crushing it, having already sent a couple v10's. Yesterday, we hiked around checking out future projects, and then spent some time working 'Zen Flute', a Chris Sharma line with an outrageous finishing dyno.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
End Of The Road
Today was a bad day for me. Fell off the last move of my project 'Water Colors' (v7). Got rained on. And worst of all, I ruptured/tore my A2 tendon pulley on my right ring finger. Which pretty much means that my climbing trip is over. I'm going to give it a couple of days and see how it feels, but I've done this before and I know the drill. No climbing for at least two weeks, and possibly a month or more, depending on how it heals. I'm super disappointed, to say the least.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Bishop- The Sad Boulders
Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to meet up with some friends for a morning of bouldering at the Sads. This afforded me the opportunity to get a few pictures, which has otherwise been difficult since I've mostly been climbing alone. It was a very fun day.
Notable ascents included:
-'The Black Stuff', a v1 with a terrifying landing
-another repeat of 'Molly' (v5)
-a relatively quick send of 'French Press' (v6), an incredibly thin and technical line
-'The Mothership Connection' (v4/5), a super fun, athletic climb with some crazy beta
Notable ascents included:
-'The Black Stuff', a v1 with a terrifying landing
-another repeat of 'Molly' (v5)
-a relatively quick send of 'French Press' (v6), an incredibly thin and technical line
-'The Mothership Connection' (v4/5), a super fun, athletic climb with some crazy beta