Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An Update

Though it has been a while since I last posted (5 months by my count!), that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy. This winter was not a great one for climbing- at least for me personally. I wasn't able to get outside climbing as much as I would've liked, as I battled sickness and an insane work schedule.

The good news is that the season is over, so now I'll have some free time! The bad news is that in keeping with the theme of this season, I am currently unable to climb while I let some stitches in my elbow heal. The wound was sustained while working on my nemesis project at The Cove. While not a major injury by any stretch, it's right on the joint, so I have to let the wound heal fully before I can start exerting pressure on it through climbing. Boring!

But, Erika and I are heading out on a two week trip tomorrow. We're going to be doing some sightseeing and hiking in southern Utah for 3 days and then working our way towards Bishop. We'll probably spend around a week there and then get a few days in at Joe's Valley before heading home. I have to catch a flight to New Hampshire on May 1 so our time is limited.

I've been climbing at Society Turn and The Cove primarily over the last few weeks, since Ilium was so slow to dry out. I've actually enjoyed the change of pace quite a bit and it was great to tick off most of my remaining projects. Erika and I also did a bunch of cleaning and trail maintenance at The Cove. It's looking quite good and hopefully climbing there will be an even more enjoyable experience for people now. If you haven't ever been out there, it's definitely worth a trip (perhaps several!).

I'm also working on a video that highlights Society Turn and The Cove, and another one for Ilium. Hope to get those posted at some point soon! Stay tuned.

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