It was a successful trip with Lexi knocking out some projects, and I was psyched to send 'Chit' (V4/5), 'Self Service' (V5) and 'Roll The Dice' (V5) in quick order. We encountered some very strong winds on Friday so I decided to keep the camera in the car. Here are some of the pictures we were able to take.
(above) Lexi Tuddenham looking for the goods on 'Peep Show' (v1). (below) 1-Lexi crimping hard on an unnamed v1 at the Boy Size Area. 2-Christian Prellwitz pulling through the opening moves of the mega classic 'Self Service' (v5). 3-Getting ready for the last long pull on 'Self Service' (v5). 4-Lexi cruising the beautiful calcite patina of 'Cherry Coke' (v1). 5-Lexi topping out in the sunshine on a stellar v0 slab at the Boy Size Area.