Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Good & The Bad

Christian pulling into the crux of the 'Green Wall Center' (hard v6).

Hannah, Simon and I finished our trip with several outstanding days in the Buttermilks and a rest day spent exploring Mono Lake and the Obsidian Dome. The climbing went well with everyone making progress on their projects. Unfortunately our last day took a bad turn when I fell onto a sharp branch that penetrated several inches into my leg. A trip to the emergency room and four stitches rectified the problem, but that was the last bit of climbing I would do. Not the best way to leave Bishop, but sometimes you have to take the bad with the good.

Hannah trying to trust her feet on the 'Rubber Tester' (v0).

Simon approaching the top of an unnamed v0 on Ranger Rock.

The spectacular tufa of Mono Lake

Obsidian Dome

Mono Lake

Mono Lake

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